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品牌: 松精
单价: 2800.00元/台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 上海 松江区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-01-03
浏览次数: 815

SJ-60A型颗粒自动包装机 SJ-60A Automatic Granule Packing Machine 主要性能和结构特点: 1、 三边封口; 2、 可自动完成制袋、计量、下料、封合、分切、计数、打印批号等功能; 3、 采用先进的微电脑控制器,驱动步进电机控制袋长,性能稳定、调整方便、检测准确; 4、 选用智能式温控仪,PID调节,*保*将温度的误差范围控制在1℃以内。适用范围:医药、食品、化工等行业松散颗粒物品的包装。如:冲剂、茶叶、植物种子、味精等。 Main function and characteristic: 1. Three-sides sealing. 2. Automatically finish the procedures of bag making, measuring, filling, sealing, cutting, counting and printing series number. 3. Advanced computer control and stepping driving motor are adopted to control the bag length with stable performance, convenient adjustment and accurate detection. 4. Intelligent temperature controller and PID adjustment make sure the error rage of temperature within 1℃. Application scope: Be suitable for packing incompact granule materials in the medicine industry, food industry and chemical industry, such as the dosage form of granular, tea, plant seeds, and monosodium glutamate. 性能参数Performance parameter:型 号 Model SJ-60A 包装速度 Packing Speed 30-60 bag/min 计量范围 Measuring Range 3-150 ML 制袋尺寸 Bag Size (L):30-150 (mm); (W):30-140(mm) 电 源 Power 220V/380V; 单相single-phase1.5KW 整机重量 Machine Weight About 320KG 外形尺寸 Outline Dimension 900mm*700mm*1700mm


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