产品介绍EATON比例放大器990-G01-E002Also, as very often a single rodcylinder is involved, the flow to andfrom the blind end will be differentfrom that to and from the rod end.Turned counterclockwise the slope ofthe gain curve is decreased. Adjustmentis from 100% (valve full open) to 25%(valve 25% open). To get to 25%, theFigure 6 shows what happens when thegain pot is adjusted. If the “B” gain pot isgain pot is turned counterclockwise asfar as it will go. The pots are a 20 turntype so it will take about 20 turns to getto a reduction of 25%. This means thatwith 10 volts command input applied topin b6, b8, b10 or z8, the valve will onlybe opened 25%.turned clockwise, the gain is increased.产品属性command adjustment beyond thispoint would have no affect on control.With gain control, sensitivity is其他说明improved by being able to controlcommand inputs from zero to thefull 10 volts.交易说明预付百分之五十订货,余款结清后发货,非人为损坏,质保一年