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品牌: SICK
单价: 面议
起订: 1 普通
供货总量: 1 普通
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 安庆市 枞阳县
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-08-11
浏览次数: 492
专业经销日本SMC薄型气缸,MGPM63-25-Z73 1. Find the air flow required for the actuator to be used. When operating with common piping, add up the required air flow for all actuators that will be operated simultaneously and find the maximum air flow. 2. selec a model such that the maximum required air flow obtained in (1) does not exceed the maximum flow rate line of the exhaust cleaner. 3. Exhaust from ejectors, etc. 1. In case of ejectors or other equipment whose performance can be affected by back pressure on the exhaust air, confirm the range in which the equipment will not be affected by back 2. In the case of ejectors, the exhaust flow rate is the total of the maximum suction flow rate and the air consumption. Since the method of calculating the exhaust flow rate differs in this way depending on the equipment, confirm this in the catalog or instruction manual of the equipment to be used. 3. When operating with common piping, add up the exhaust flow rates for all equipment that will be exhausted simultaneously and find the maximum exhaust flow rate. 4. Find the upstream pressure in the flow characteristic graph, using the maximum exhaust flow rate obtained in (3) as the exhaust flow rate. selec a model such that the upstream pressure is lower than the back pressure generated when the exhaust flow rate is at a maximum.

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