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发布信息当前位置: 首页 » 供应 » 日化包装 » 胶粘涂料包装 » 胶水 »


单价: 1.00元/支
起订: 1 支
供货总量: 223 支
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市 福田区
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-11-24
浏览次数: 997
汉高乐泰公司\胶水代理\销售深圳代表处: 供应汉高乐泰UV9060F。乐泰UV9060胶水,LOCTITE ECCOBOND UV9060F 胶水。TYPICAL CURING PERFORMANCE Recommended UV Cure Light Source and Condition: metal halide doped spectrum UV lamp Lamp Power, W/in 300 Distance between lamp to substrate, inches 4 Irradiance UVA, EIT puck radiometer, mW/cm2 566 Recommended Dose, seconds 5 to 25 Light Dose: @ 5 seconds, J/cm2 2.8 @ 25 seconds, J/cm2 14.1 Moisture cure occurs at ambient temperature and humidity. Depth of Cure Depth of Cure, inch >0.25* *Cures at least 0.25 inch and more under optimum conditions. The above cure profiles are guideline recommendations. Cure conditions (time and temperature) may vary based on customers' experience and their application requirements, as well as customer curing equipment, oven loading and actual oven temperatures.

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