黄骅市东岳包装彩印厂办公室地址位于全国闻名的石油化工基地和北方重要陆海交通枢纽沧州,沧州 黄骅市齐家务乡前韩村,于2007年09月21日在黄骅市工商行政管理局注册成立,在工厂发展壮大的12年里,我们始终为客户提供好的产品和技术支持、健全的售后服务
The office address of Huanghua Dongyue Packaging and Color Printing Factory is located in Cangzhou, a famous petrochemical base in China and an important land and sea transportation hub in North China. Qianhan Village, Qichou Township, Huanghua City, Cangzhou, was registered with Huanghua Administration for Industry and Commerce on September 21, 2007. During the 12 years of the development and growth of the factory, we have always provided good services to our customers. Product and technical support, sound after-sales service
扪盒 腹膜 加工其他印刷品印刷(以上经营范围涉及许可经营项目的,应在取得有关部门的许可后方可经营)
Pallet peritoneum processing and printing of other printed matter (if the above business scope involves licensed business items, it shall be operated only after obtaining permission from the relevant departments)
电话: 岳桂鹏13930719445
地址:沧州 黄骅市齐家务乡前韩村
Tel: Yue Guipeng 13930719445
Booth No. -B-D89
Address: Qianhan Village, Qichou Township, Huanghua City, Cangzhou