XLTC-1020/1200/1450 贴窗机适用于对手机盒、酒盒、礼品盒、餐巾纸盒、化妆品盒、儿童玩具盒、服装盒、奶箱、贺卡等有窗口或无窗口的包装类的纸品进行贴膜加固J视Φ目ㄖ200-500g/O,适应牛皮纸≤250g/O,本产品实现了自动在经模切后糊盒/箱前进行纸板上胶、贴膜、膜片开口(选配)、整理的功能。质量*保*,欢迎咨询洽谈。
XLTC-1020/1200/1450 Window Patching Machine is widely used in the film patching to be package with orwithout the window of the phone box、 wine box、 napkin box 、cosmetic box 、milk case、 card etc.It can beused for the function of the paper gluing ,film cutting of card 200-500g/m2 and flute within 3mm thick.