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品牌: 海螺冀东金隅拉法基山水红狮
长度: 63CM
宽度: 51CM
底部: 11
单价: 1.25元/条
起订: 200 条
供货总量: 900000000 条
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 浙江 金华市 兰溪市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-30
浏览次数: 543

Why Ad Star bags are better than paper bags for cement?

Paper bags for cement usually get wet or rupture. This happens because of the human factor, as well as a violation of technological standards during the production. Also paper bags for cement have low strength and therefore get rupture while handling and transportation. Torn paper bags for cement volume reach up to 5% of total sales volume of the manufacturer. If a buyer wants to purchase bagged dry mixes in Building Supermarket, picking up a paper bag, he will definitely get dirty. Then he will put paper valve bags for cement into his car and also smirch the interior. Of course, he will obtain negative attitude to the manufacturer.

Our polypropylene box type bags eliminate these problems. Polypropylene fabric, being the basis for woven valve bags for cement, due to the surface lamination does not rupture and does not get wet practically. Therefore, a buyer will not stain clothes nor spoil packaged material under the rain. Even if you nail Ad Star bag to the wall, tear in the polypropylene fabric will not continue to spread and the bag will not destroy. Quantity of Ad Star bags ruptures approaches zero, therefore the manufacturer will not incur losses due to spillage of the product while long-distance transportation and bags handling. Highest surface quality of our bags allows us to print image according to the customer layout in 6 colors without distortion. Ad Star polypropylene brick bags - is the perfect modern packing, which allows you to increase sales of your product!

  • 联系人:韩先生(负责大中华区以及海外区域业务)
  • /微信: 13802155833
  • :tjwhoking@163.com
  • QQ:490045876
  • SKYPE:antonio87455
  • Wechat:13802155833
  • Whatsapp:+ 86-13802155833

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