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进口石油专用电磁阀 高粘度 沥青专用电磁阀

品牌: 美国RETZ阀门
品牌: RETZ
产地: 美国
包装: 木箱
单价: 面议
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 1000 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 15 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2024-09-09
浏览次数: 180

RETZ/我们一直致力于流体控制领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口高粘度石油专用电磁阀活塞结构、动作灵敏、反应迅速、设计独特、密封性好 High viscosity petroleum specialized solenoid valve piston structure, sensitive action, rapid response, unique design, and good sealing performance

电磁阀通常流体介质粘度在50cst 以下可以任意选择,若超过此值,则需要选择高粘度电磁阀Electromagnetic valves usually have a fluid medium viscosity below 50cst and can be selected arbitrarily. If this value is exceeded, a high viscosity electromagnetic valve needs to be selected

进口石油专用电磁阀工作原理Working Principle of imported Petroleum Special Electromagnetic Valve

常闭-当线圈通电时,先导阀芯吸合,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开;当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭。Normally closed - when the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is closed, the pilot hole opens, the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is pushed by the medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve opens; When the coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston orifice and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed.

常开-当线圈通电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔关闭,阀上腔由活塞节流孔增压和复位弹簧的推力,电磁阀关闭;当线圈断电时,先导阀芯靠弹簧复位,先导孔打开,阀上腔卸压,活塞靠下腔介质压力推动,电磁阀打开Normally open - When the coil is energized, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is closed, and the valve upper chamber is pressurized by the piston orifice and the thrust of the reset spring, and the solenoid valve is closed; When the coil is powered off, the pilot valve core is reset by the spring, the pilot hole is opened, the upper chamber of the valve is depressurized, the piston is pushed by the medium pressure in the lower chamber, and the solenoid valve opens







防护性能:防水、防爆 (Exd II CT5)、防腐



电源电压:DC12~127V; AC36~380V



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